Silicon nipple shield
A nipple shield is a flexible silicone nipple worn over the lactating parent’s nipple during a feeding. Nipple shields allow for stimulation to the nipple and areola. This device should be considered a short-term solution, and should be used under the guidance of a lactation consultant.
KSh 500.00Order NowSilicon nipple shield
KSh 500.00 -
Sterilizing tablets
- Use to sterilise all breastfeeding equipment and baby feeding accessories : breast pump parts, baby bottles, soothers, teething rings, small plastic toys, plastic cutlery, weaning bowls
- Simply drop 1 tablet into 5 litres of clean cold water. Let the tablet dissolve to form the Sterilising Solution.
KSh 800.00Order NowSterilizing tablets
KSh 800.00 -
Breast milk storage cups
When collecting breast milk, be sure to store it in clean containers such as screw cap bottles, hard plastic cups with tight lids, or heavy-duty bags that fit directly into bottles. Avoid using ordinary plastic storage bags or formula bottle bags, ask these can easily leak or spill.
Baby care kit
Baby care products are formulated with mild and gentle ingredients to avoid irritation and allergies. Harsh chemicals or fragrances in regular products for adults can be too harsh for a baby’s skin
KSh 1,500.00Order NowBaby care kit
KSh 1,500.00 -
Manual bottle warmer
A bottle warmer ensures that every bottle is just right, closely mimicking the natural temperature of breast milk. This is particularly comforting for infants, making feeding times smoother and more satisfying for both baby and parent. The convenience of a bottle warmer also extends beyond the home.
KSh 1,500.00Order NowManual bottle warmer
KSh 1,500.00 -
New Born Set
Newborn care consists of evaluation for the need of resuscitation, a complete physical exam, administration of prophylactic medications and vaccines, adequate feedings, safe sleep, hygiene of the newborn, and other important areas for baby wellbeing.
KSh 2,800.00Order NowNew Born Set
KSh 2,800.00
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